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 كتاب wireless network

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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المساهمات : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/03/2008

كتاب   wireless network Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب wireless network   كتاب   wireless network I_icon_minitime2008-03-12, 7:09 pm



mplete Wireless Home Networking (Windows XP Edition)
ISBN: 0131461532 | 224 Pages | June 2003 | CHM | 3.8 MB

Setting up a home network used to be a task that only the (very) computer savvy would attempt. How things have changed. There's no reason anyone with multiple computers should go without a network, preferably a wireless one. Until recently, networking your computers meant stringing something called category 5 Ethernet cable throughout your house. And, in a home situation, few people really needed a network to transfer files from one computer to another. Then along came the Internet, and with it, busy phone lines. The introduction of broadband, with its very fast digital Internet connections, is helping many home users get more fun and use out of their computers. And, in the home, these broadband connections provide more than enough speed for the whole family to be online at once, sans a tied-up phone line. You just need a network to share this speedy Internet access. It's no wonder that wireless networking is the fastest growing home networking technology today. Wireless networks let you set up an entire local area network (LAN) in the time it takes to drill a hole in your wall. Or hit the stud instead of empty drywall, and then drill another hole. Or run out of power on your cordless drill, and take the time to recharge it. Or get frustrated and throw the drill out the window. You get the picture. With today's wireless networks, you can even take the whole thing with you if you move. Just pack your wireless hardware with all the rest of your computer equipment, and plug it in when you get to your new home or workspace.


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كتاب wireless network
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